Airmo Inc. Pressure Technologies Quality Built Systems and Tools for Hydrostatic Testing, End Forming, Tube Expansion, High Pressure Accessories  Airmo Inc. Your  Equipment and Tools Supplier for Hydrostatic Testing, End Forming, Tube Expansion, High Pressure Accessories
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Products   Contact Airmo 1-800-394-0016
SelectForm End Forming Systems and Tools

SelectForm® Custom Hydraulic Tube End Forming Machines
Pressures Up to 3,000 psi (207 bar)

Airmo offers custom designed hydraulic tube end forming machines in single-station units or multi-station configurations for SelectForm® Model M and Model M6 Modular Ending Forming Tools. Tooling is permanently mounted on semi-enclosed or enclosed stands simplifying tube insertion for the operator during the forming cycling. Smaller units have casters for easy portability and large units are skidded for transfer with a forklift.

Contact Airmo for information on customizing an end forming system to meet your application requirements.

PDF icon with link SelectForm® Product Line Card.pdf

ExpanTek Model M6 Single-Station Hydraulic Power Pack ExpanTek Model M 2-Station Hydraulic Power Pack
ExpanTek Model M Multi-Station Hydraulic Power Pack ExpanTek Model M 5-Station Hydraulic Power Pack

SelectForm® End Forming Systems

SelectForm® Model 400 Hydraulic Power Pack - Pressures up to 3,000 psi (207 bar)

SelectForm® End Forming and Swaging Tools

SelectForm® Model 400 Series End Forming Tools - Pressures up to 3,000 psi (207 bar)
SelectForm® Model M Series Modular End Forming Tools - Pressures up to 3,000 psi (207 bar)
SelectForm® Model M6 Series Modular End Forming Tools - Pressures up to 3,000 psi (207 bar)
SelectForm® Model 450 Series Swaging Tools - Pressures up to 15,000 psi (1,034 bar)

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Contact Airmo 1-800-394-0016 Contact Airmo for Your System and Tool Needs