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ExpanTek Tube Expansion Systems and Tools

ExpanTek® Model 22 Series Ball Expansion Tools
Pressures Up to 10,000 psi (689 bar)

ExpanTek Model 22 Series Ball Expansion Tools - Pressures up to 10,000 psi (689 bar) The patented ExpanTek® Model 22 Series Ball Expansion Tool provides versatility for use in hydro-mechanical ball expansion applications. The Model 22 Tool is designed for high-pressure expansion of tubing using a chrome steel ball or bullet. This unique tool along with a high-pressure power source, such as the ExpanTek® TH Ball Expansion System, will rapidly expand tubing for boiler coils, refrigeration coils, and tubular assemblies.

The Model 22 Ball Expansion Tool is a snap-on coupling suitable for tubes with standard OD tolerances up to 10,000 psi (689 bar).

To expand a tube, slip the tool over the tube end with the ball already inserted into the tube. Press the tube firmly against the stop. When the service line is pressurized to approximately 50 psi (3.45 bar) the collets activate for a positive grip. Continue increasing pressure until the expansion pressure is reached, but not to exceed the maximum pressure rating for the tool. After the tube expands, the service line pressure drops to atmospheric pressure and the collets automatically release the tool from the work.

The Model 22 Series Tool handles standard and metric tube sizes from 0.25 in. to 1.25 in. OD (6.3 mm to 31.75 mm OD) in diameter.

Contact Airmo for special tool sizes and configurations.

Product Features
  Specifications Description
Airmo Logo Maximum Pressure: Working pressures up to 10,000 psi
(689 bar)
Airmo Logo Tube OD Range: 0.25 in. to 1.25 in. OD
(6.3 mm to 31.75 mm OD)
Airmo Logo Temperature: 32° F to 120° F (0° C to 49° C)
Airmo Logo Services: Water, oil, or other liquids on request
Airmo Logo Collet Grip: On tube OD
Airmo Logo Automatic Collet Actuation: Fast tool removal
Airmo Logo Special Collet Locking Design Principle: Accommodates shorter length tubes
Airmo Logo Predetermined Internal Tube Stop: Requires no measuring
Airmo Logo Compact, Balanced Design: Reduces operator fatigue
Airmo Logo Construction: Precision-machined, heat-treated
stainless steel
Airmo Logo Custom Options: Custom options considered

PDF icon with link ExpanTek® Model 22 Series Ball Expansion Tools.pdf

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The ExpanTek® Model 22 Series Tool is used in many coil and tube expansion applications.

Model 22 Tool Applications

Boiler coil expansion

Refrigeration coil expansion

Tubular assemblies

ExpanTek® TH Ball Expansion Systems

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